Delete/Close Account

We’re sad to see you leaving! Yet, if it’s your need, you can delete or close your stc pay account using the steps below.
Our App
Steps to delete/close your wallet accounts permanently.
  1. Make sure you logged in stc pay App
  2. Click on “More” from the homepage.
  3. Click on “Help & Support”.
  4. Click on “Create Ticket”.
  5. Click “Request” > close or transfer wallet request.
  6. Confirm on closing the wallet account.
  7. Add the required details (description, customer information, copy of National ID, copy of Passport).
  8. Review your request then submit the ticket.
  9. stc pay staff will review your request, then you’ll receive a confirmation once your account has been closed or deletet permenantly.


We wish to see you again soon!